
知道这些春节英语词汇 你的过年红包会多拿点


⑥曲 艺 表 演

65.戏曲:traditional opera

66.折子戏:opera highlights

67.相声:comic dialogue;cross talk


69.口技:vocal imitations;ventriloquism

70.杂技:acrobatic performance

71.马戏:circus performance

72.京韵大鼓:drum song of Peking

73.踩高跷:walk on stilts

74.杂耍:variety show;vaudeville

⑦娱 乐 活 动

75.打麻将:play mahjong

76.庙会:temple fair

77.春节联欢晚会:Spring Festival gala

78.灯会:exhibit of lanterns

79.送贺卡:send New Year's greeting cards

80.理发:have a haircut

81.放烟花:set off fireworks

82.放鞭炮:set off firecrackers

83.灯谜:riddles written on lanterns

⑧各 路 神 仙

84.门神:the God of Door

85.灶神:the God of Kitchen

86.财神:the God of Wealth

87.土地爷:the God of Land

88.火神:the God of Fire

89.喜神:the God of Happiness

90.福禄寿三星:the three gods of fortune, prosperity and longevity

91.八仙:the Eight Immortals

⑨其 他

92.生肖、属相:Chinese zodiac

93.鸡年:the Year of the Rooster

94.微信红包:WeChat red envelope

95.年:Nian;Year monster

96.立春: Start of Spring

97.24节气:24 Solar Terms

98.本命年:the animal year in which one was born

99.春运:Spring Festival travel rush



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