

2018-06-22 08:57:39


  On the background of international economic integration and educational internationalization,language learning has been turned into a public act ,in which the ability of speaking has emerged as the first priority。

  There may be a combination of factors that can be summarized to explain this phenomenon。 On the one hand, students with the equipment of speaking possess more chances to come out on top among all the candidates hunting for a job。 On the other hand, what we should realize is that oral language serves as an activator to promote further cultural international trade and cultural exchange。 Thus, undoubtedly, it has a positive effect in accelerating and facilitating the cooperation and communication。

  While the ability cannot be cultivated overnight,it is high time that we should be aware of the significance of it and take effective measures to better the situation。 If schooling and parenting lay more emphasis on speaking, the desired goal can be achieved in the shorter run。


  近年来四级写作题型考查偏向于多元化发展,应用文和议论文交叉出题现象比较明显。但从2017年12月份开始,传统议论文重新占据了主导地位。四级写作“换汤不换药”的特点决定了观点对比类,现象分析类,问题解决类作文的写作模式和写作结构一直以来是四级写作课程上的重点。此次写作题目整体难度不大,属于现象分析和问题解决类综合出题模式,第一段主要引出现象,第二段分析原因,第三段给出建议措施即可。具体内容上,考生可以从个人微观发展需求和社会宏观发展需求上展开分析speaking的重要性,其他两套卷子难度一致,分别讨论reading 和 writing的重要性,大家举一反三即可。


本文来源:新东方 作者: 责任编辑:李芸

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